By Chris Wood
The cool temperate waters around Britain and Ireland contain a huge variety of marine life and the sea anemones and corals, the Anthozoa, are some of the brightest and most attractive of all the groups of animal that live in them. Anemones and corals can be found from rockpools to the deepest depths and in all habitats from rocky reefs to soft mud.
This is the second edition of this popular guide to all 74 of the sea anemones and corals found in British and Irish inshore waters. It will be an essential companion for divers, rockpoolers and students who want to identify the sea anemones and corals they find and know more about them.
The book is illustrated by over 200 underwater colour photographs taken in situ showing the animals as they look in real life.
It includes information about habitat, distribution, depth, size, rarity and conservation status for each species where known.
This second edition of Sea Anemones and Corals of Britain and Ireland was updated and reprinted in 2018 with with minor amendments (mostly taxonomic name changes) plus one new photograph.